
I have bought some vegetables at the market which I suspect weigh less than what I have purchased. How can I obtain redress?
Have them weighed on the balance in the office of the market inspectorate. The inspector will take action for any adjustment and prosecution as appropriate.
The products that I have purchased are not wholesome
this case, the municipal health inspectorate will take the appropriate action.
I am a stallholder and do not occupy my stall but am regularly sent claims for the payment of the rentals.
If you do not occupy your stall and no longer wish to do, so you should inform Council in writing accordingly.
I am a stallholder and have found someone to occupy my stall. Can he do so?

No. No person can occupy a stall without the written authorisation of Council.

Q How can I obtain a stall at the Market?
A Tender allocates stalls at the market. Periodically whenever stalls are available, tender advertisement will be published in the press, you, then submit your offer within the prescribed delay


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