
There is a leaking water pipe in my road. What shall I do?
Please report to the Water Leaks section of the Central Water Authority.
Where shall I discharge my wastewaters?
You should contact the Wastewater Authority for a connection to the wastewater network. In regions that are not served with the wastewater network, these are to be collected into an absorption pit according to the specifications of the Ministry of Health available at the nearest Health Office.
I have a commercial centre. How can I dispose of my waste?
You should have it carried by a licensed waste carrier lorry to the La Brasserie Refuse Transfer Station.
I own a land, which is presently unoccupied, and the neighbouring inhabitants deposit refuse on it. How can Council help me?

You will have to maintain it clean and clear of vegetation overgrowth. Council will put a lorry at your disposal at a subsidised rate of Rupees 600 for the disposal of the waste to the dumping site.
It is desirable that you have land fenced or walled.




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